Meditation in Werkkola on Tuesdays
Meditation in Werkkola on Tuesdays (19.11., 3.12., 17.12.) from 9.45 to 10.45. Sign up now! Address: Werkkola Kirjastokatu 4, 04410 JÄRVENPÄÄ. Tule meditoimaan Werkkolaan kolmena tiistaina ennen joulua. Ilmoittaudu mukaan nyt! Ohjaus on pääosin englanniksi, mutta ohjaaja puhuu myös jonkin verran Suomea. Kahdella viimeisellä kerralla Ursula on myös mukana suomentamassa tarvittaessa. Harjoitteet pystyy tekemään, vaikka ei puhu itse englantia.
Day 1 (19.11.): Introduction to Meditation - Discover the history, purpose, and basics of meditation, plus what to expect over the course.
Day 2 (3.12.): Meditations for Everyday Life - Learn some short, practical meditations and breathing techniques that can be used to help manage your life and well-being.
Day 3 (17.12.): Become Your New Self - 30 minute deep guided meditation to assist you in visualizing and stepping into your new, highest self and life.
Instructor is Chase Martini and he tells little bit about his journey to meditation on the first day. The classes are mostly in English.
Recommendations for the classes:
- wear comfortable clothes
- avoid excess caffeine
- be well hydrated
Sign up for the meditation on the previous Sunday by sending an e-mail to
- You can also sign up for all the upcoming classes at once, which is recommended.
- We can take 12-15 people for every class